Joshua is a writer specializing in fantasy and science fiction for adult and young adult audiences.

Currently a 7th grade English teacher in Pennsylvania, Joshua recently received his MA in English. He also holds a BA in Psychology and an MA in Secondary Education.

Signing up for Joshua’s author newsletter will earn you exclusive access to a short story set in the world of his most recently completed novel, tentatively titled Nightweaver. “Mata Academy Murder” will introduce you to Joshua’s writing and give you a peek into the life of Kivali Zala before the events of the book.

After that, Joshua’s newsletter will be delivered only once each month, but each iteration will be full of content. Some of the things you can expect include: writing prompts, exclusive short stories, and recommendations for things he enjoys.

Enter your email address to sign up for free now.


Patrick Klinger is a wizard behind the lens.


Adult Fantasy novel about finding the balance in all things—Querying

Avatar: The Last Airbender x NCIS

Adult Fantasy novel about the power of words—Drafting

No comp titles for this one yet. Stay tuned.

SFF short stories in various stages of development